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I am an English astrophotographer whose passion for the cosmos became apparent from a very early age. At around the age of 13, I bought my first telescope and since then, my interest in astrophotography developed and turned into a lifelong obsession. In 2007, I went on to study and obtain a degree in Astrophysics at Keele University and on many nights, could often be found in the university observatory, rather than in the university bars!


When the weather allows, I carry out my astrophotography from my home observatory in rural Shropshire, but also utilise remote telescopes in various locations such Chile and Australia. I have obtained various awards including NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD), Amateur Astronomy Picture of the Day (AAPOD), along with various Astrobin Top Picks and am also a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society (FRAS).


Outside of astronomy, I have a strong passion for golf and aviation, working day-to-day as a cargo pilot. Additionally, I also enjoy electronic music and run a small brand producing modular synthesizers.


Thank you for looking, I hope you enjoy my work.

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